The Big Four – HiLIQ’s E-liquid Ingredients


Since the conception of E-cigarette and E-liquid way back 2003 by a Chinese Pharmacist named Hon Lik, the product has come a long way seizing a lot of markets worldwide, capturing cigarette users in all classes and snatching substantial numbers of pro and anti-fans.

E-cigarette is another by-product of technology’s global advancement. It is created not to help cessate the use of cigarette products but to offer users an alternative way of smoking without the tar, the ashes and the possible burns and second hand smoking. cirrus cloud . Benefits are countless with Vaping but it takes only 4 ingredients – a finger countable materials to get going compared to the over 4,000 materials found in Cigarette products.

We know you are conscious on what you are putting into your body, so let’s get to know more on what you are actually inhaling when you buy HiLIQ’s Pre-mixed E-liquids.

The Big Four*HiLIQ Premixed Nicotine E-liquid uses 99.9% Pure Nicotine concentration for finer and clearer taste. Clients can expect the best tasting nicotine and non-nicotine vape juices from HiLIQ


Safety Quality goes on board with Taste Quality when we hand-over fresh handcrafted pre-mixed E-Liquid to our Global Clientele. It is a must that we, ourselves can be free of any harm with the ingredients that use as a brand provider and inhale as the end-users as well.

Now that you know the Big Four that HiLIQ uses in its everyday E-liquid production, might as well help other users to be informed. Vaping amidst being significantly young has been getting a lot of support globally not only from Vapers but also from many communities who believe on its purpose. This makes the market and the community a caring ground with continued progress to behold.


Supplement links:

(VG) (PG) (Nicotine) (HiLIQFlavors)

About Danilo Delos Santos

Marketing Specialist, HiLIQ Co., Limited

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