6 months after the October 1 Nicotine Regulation in Australia, the percentage of Vapers who has obtained a valid prescription still remains at a low number. According to our recently conducted survey, the reasons are mainly due to; 1). Overstocking made before the regulation took effect, 2). Lack of more information how to get a script, 3). The cost involved in getting it, and 4). Some doctors does not know what to fill in a prescription.
As a result, getting a prescription seemed to be quite a hurdle for many Vapers to obtain. A lot of our clients are usually asking how to get one or what exactly a prescription looks like. So, we made sure we have all the answers.
We partnered with Vape Scripts Australia to ensure getting a prescription is fast and easy with a very minimal clinic fee of $60AUD. Here’s the link on how to get an appointment: https://www.hiliqau.com/get-script
You can also obtain a valid Prescription through your family doctor for free or trusted general practitioner at a lower charge. In case they are not familiar on what details to put out in the prescription, here’s a guide:

- 1. The amount you vape
Your prescription should contain the amount in volume (ML) that you want to import.

- 2. The strength you vape
Your doctor needs to note a specific density of nicotine or a range of strength on your prescription, for example, 6mg to 20mg for e-liquids, or 100mg for bases.

- 3. The length of your script
Your prescriptions should contain a valid time-period, which can be up to a 12-month.

- 4. The repeats on your script
Your prescriptions should contain the number of times you can use it (Repeats) every 3 months, in one full year.

- 5. The Information of the Prescriber
Your GP needs to put his or her signature, prescriber ID and contact information beside its issuance date.
https://blog.hiliq.com/obtain-a-prescription-from-your-gp/ “
If you still need some more readings about TGO110, please visit: https://www.hiliqau.com/laws-and-regulations or check our simplified notes found here: https://www.hiliqau.com/prescription-board.
All orders are pre-cleared and the prescription is submitted to the customs online through our partner commercial couriers. So, you may not see your prescription on your package. It is stored in our system for a year and is kept confidential.
You are more than welcome to talk to us on Livechat at www.hiliqau.com or email us au@hiliq.com!