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Affiliate+Plus is a new feature on our site to reward our loyal clients for their continued love, support and patronage. A+Plus allows you to earn for every new buying customer you will drive to our site. Earn commissions and refund or turn them to store credits to get our PRODUCTS FREE on your next purchase!

Here’s a step by step guide on how to create and manage your Affiliate plus account effectively.

1. Go visit hiliq.comand log in to your account.


2. Inside your dashboard, you’ll be able to see an Affiliate tab on the left side of your monitor.


3. If you’re not yet part of our Affiliate Program, please sign up to our Affiliate+Plus.


4. Upon signing up, please fill out the required fields. Verified PayPal account is required as it will be used when we  transfer funds.


5. Click on the refer friends to access easily ways on how to get and share your personalized links.


6. Select which social media platform you want to share your links with. We put a template description but you can  create your own at any time!


7. Once a friend you referred bought on our site, you will be able to track it on your account and you’ll have email notification too! Congratulations! Way to go!



Seemed easy? Start now! Check out our Affiliate+Plus page and sign up here:

Your Feedback and its Importance to HiLIQ


Feedback plays an important role in brand-building. In all business models, feedback is an essential unit that helps on establishing a good foundation. It fuels both system’s  development and workforce’s maturation.

HiLIQ, as a feedback driven company, always welcomes reviews from its partners and consumers. HiLIQ allows its global clientele to review its products and services through countless of platforms, may it be through the social media, community and forum pages, direct site sourcing and solicitation or third party review centers.

HiLIQ, in fact, rewards its clients who bestow time and effort just to drop reviews and feedback may it be positive or negative. Here are 5 reasons why HiLIQ is rewarding people coming by with reviews:

6-Reasons-Why-Your-Company-Needs-Real-Time-Feedback-740x4311. Being an online merchant where everything is done virtually, feedback is a tap on the back.
2. Feedback are like experience – they are great mentors.
3. Feedback are indicator that you’ve found life-long loyal consumers who cares on what you really offer.
4. Great flavors and excellent undiscovered products are discovered through feedback and reviews.
5. It nourishes the soul of the business: You’d work harder for a negative feedback and work even more for a positive one.

Help us improve and be the brand you’d want us to be! Your thoughts about us are highly welcome!

You can do it via the following methods:

1.Leave us a review on Facebook, or tweet us how you feel about our products and service!
2.Go to our site and to the page where your most loved products are found, then drop a review instantly.
3.Go to an independent review sites such as TrustPilot or JuiceDB and share what you have in mind.
4.You can go to our Forum Communities (found in the site’s bottom page) and leave us something you wanna share.
5. Email us directly. We’d love to hear something from you!

In return, we’ll send you something from our end, whatever it’ll be, it‘s for sure from the bottom of our thankful hearts!


Importation rules vary from country to country as the legal status of E-cigarette and E-liquids are currently pending in many countries worldwide due to several reasons that we may or may not agree. However, it is good to note that Vaping is still active and growing amidst on-going government approval, long-standing debates and general public scrutiny.

While buying on local stores can help avoid delivery and customs issues, oversea-online-shopping can also be a total convenience once done correctly with the right brand and information.

HiLIQ, as direct supplier brand delivering to over 160 countries worldwide has collected information of the legal status and importation rules per special country that one should keep in mind before buying.

In order for our clients to exactly know our current abilities in delivering to these special countries, we share our current experience as classified below:

Broad Experience                           Moderate Experience                        Limited Experience


United States: Broad Experience

Regulation profiles vary per state. The sell, use and advertisement of Electronic cigarettes are federally permitted but individual states have had their own restrictions. As of July 2014, 44 states had planned or enacted 74 regulations addressing e-cigarettes, electronic smoking devices, or vapor products.

While all this remain confusing to US buyers, HiLIQ still consider US as one of the biggest market to import E-liquids overseas and speaking on behalf of our experience, US buyers can still products from us without problem.

Canada: Broad Experience

Unlike US, Canada seem to have a firm stand on E-cigarettes and E-liquid as it posed a strict ban on it on importation. Canadian Customs and Health Canada officials has the right to confiscate all e-liquids (Nicotine and non-nicotine) being imported over their border.

In general, the use of E-cigarette and E-liquid in CA is legal but importation takes a hard time. If you want supplies, the local store will be your best way. On the other hand, if you are really considering an oversea-import, HiLIQ has extensive and broad experience.

Europe: Broad Experience

European countries are very particular with declaration of ingredients in bottles, warning labels and general packaging of the product. The European Parliament approved last February of 2014 regulations for tobacco products which Electronic cigarettes are including as classified. The new regulation includes forbidding of E-cig advertisement, limiting nicotine concentration, limiting of liquid bottle volume to be sold and requiring child-proof and tamper proof bottles package among others. Cross-border distance sales will not be banned at EU-level, but individual Member States may choose to ban such sales. So far, HiLIQ is able to deliver to EU union as the import, sale and use is permitted in general. Let’s see how each country in EU status.

Austria: Moderate Experience — Catridges / E-liquids with Nicotine containing cartriges are considered as medicinal products and E-cigarettes are classified as a medical device.
Bulgaria: Moderate Experience: Sale and Use of E-cig is legal as well as the sale of liquids with nicotine. No Specific Regulation from Europe.
Czech Republic: Moderate Experience — Use is legal but sale is regulated the same way with conventional smokes. Online sale is said to be illegal due to impossibility to confirm buyers’ age but this rule is not imposed strictly and many E-shops has been around.
Denmark: Broad Experience — E-liquid with Nicotine is considered Medicinal Products. Authorization is required.
Estonia: Limited Experience — Previously had E-cig ban by the Estonian State Agency of Medicines but was overturned in court on 7 March 2013.Now. Only low nicotine is allowed.
Finland: Broad Experience — No E-cig/E-liq adverstisement but non-nicotine E-liquid can still be sold. Importation overseas is allowed for 3 months supply.
France: Broad Experience — Use and Importation is allowed. Nicotine levels should be low or 0. 20mg/ml and higher need medical advice or special permit.
Germany: Broad Experience — the sale and use of electronic cigarettes are legal.
Hungary: Moderate Experience — Sale and use of electronic cigarettes are legal but liquids with nicotine is illegal.
Ireland: Broad Experience — Sale and use of electronic cigarettes are legal.
Italy: Broad Experience — Import and use is legal but strictly for adult use only.
Latvia: Limited Experience — E-cigarettes and E-liquids are legal.
Lithuania: Limited Experience — E-cigarettes and E-liquids are legal.
Netherlands: Moderate Experience — Use and sale of electronic cigarettes is allowed, advertising is restricted.
Norway: Moderate Experience — Sale and use of electronic cigarettes are legal, but E-liquid nicotine should be only purchase in EEA member states like UK.
In Poland: Moderate Experience — the sale and use of electronic cigarettes are legal.
In Portugal: Moderate Experience — E-liquid with nicotine it is restricted, without nicotine it is not regulated.
In Romania: Moderate Experience — Use of electronic cigarettes are legal however it is a courtesy rule not to sell it to minors.
Switzerland: Broad Experience — Non-nicotine E-liquid is legal. Importation is allowed and as of December 2011, the tobacco tax does not apply to e-cigarettes and respective liquids containing nicotine.
Turkey: Moderate Experience — E-cigs and E-liquids are legal but is supervised. Can’t be sold to minors and prohibited to use indoors.
United Kingdom: Broad Experience — Use, sale and advertising of electronic cigarettes and e-liquids are legal and is covered by smoking bans. Strictly for adult use only.

Australia: Broad Experience

The sales of nicotine based e-cigarettes are prohibited by Australian Federal Laws. Shops in Australia may only sell ecig with no-nicotine. While the retail sale of E-cig is illegal, federally, consumers can purchase nicotine-based E-cigarettes/ liquids for their own personal use as long as it is from international online vendors like HiLIQ. Under the Therapeutic Goods Personal Importation Sheme — a consumer is allowed to import up to 3 months supply per delivery and no more than 15 months supply imported over a 12-month period. There will be no GST (Goods and Services Tax) Fee once the order is placed over international supplier and under $1000 purchase threshold. So, if not all, most of our Australian customers enjoy tax and duty free package delivery with door to door service.

*Check your most recent state laws governing the purchase of E-cigs with nicotine content from international sources as it varies per state and from time to time.

New Zealand: Broad Experience — Unlike in Australia, the nearby county, New Zealand got their E-cigarette and E-liquids regulated. E-liquids with Nicotine are considered medicinal products while E-cigarette is considered as medical device

ASIA: Broad Experience
In general, Asia is starting to follow US and EU standard and rules. E-cigarette and E-liquid are mostly accepted and is only dedicated for adult use but individual countries in Asia has set their own restrictions on sale, use, advertisement and importation.

Korea: Broad Experience — The sale and use and importation of non-nicotine e-liquids are allowed but there is corresponding tax when nicotine is imported.
Japan: Broad Experience — The sale, use and import is allowed.
Thailand: Broad Experience — The sales and use is regulated. Import on E-liquids with nicotine is upon discretion of customs and may pay tax.
Malaysia: Broad Experience — The sales and use is regulated. Import on E-liquids with nicotine is upon discretion of customs and may pay tax.

There are other countries which we deliver to, thus this document needs continuous update. Place new information and rules relative to this in the comment section below and together, let’s build a closer and more possible vaping community for everybody.

VapeSighted: Celebrities and their E-cigarettes

Vaping has been around for about 12 years and have evolved significantly since its conception way back then. People who got involve in this smoking lifestyle run around from all walks of life. Even celebrities are getting into the good things Vaping is promising. May it be for cigarette craving remedy, pleasure solution or social aid, one thing is for sure, people have found answers in Vaping.

Let’s have a look on a gallery where in E-cigarette is present and enjoyed by famous celebrities.

Please click on the info button at the topmost right of the gallery to view the celebrity’s name and background description.


Celebrities spotted with their vapes!

[img src=]14660Bria Murphy
Bria Murphy, Model and an actress who will star in the 2015 movie, conflict of interest. The daughter of Eddie Murphy and Nicole Mitchell Murphy was seen using a Vape pen.
[img src=]11810Bruno Mars
American singer, songwriter, record producer and choreographer, Peter Gene Hernandez, professionally known by his stage name Bruno Mars, is on his Ecig.
[img src=]10440John Cusack
He played various characters in many movies such as Serendipity, Shanghai and Hot tub machine. John Paul Cusack loves to vape!
[img src=]9720Johnny Depp
Johnny Depp, regarded as one of the world's biggest movie stars is chilling on a book with his vape!
[img src=]9710Katherine Heigl
American actress, film producer and former fashion model, Katherine Heigl who’s Famous in her portrayal for several roles in movies and prime-time series is considered a vape lover since then.
[img src=]9340Katy Perry
U.S. Billboard Hot 100 chart-topping singles "California Gurls", "Teenage Dream", "Firework", "E.T.", and "Last Friday Night (T.G.I.F.)". Katy Perry didn’t forget to Vape on her free time!
[img src=]8980Lady Gaga
"Just Dance" and "Poker Face", “Born This way”. Fans just love Lady Gaga the same way she loves her e-cig!
[img src=]10510Leonardo Di Carpio
Famous Titanic Actor, Leonardo Di Carpio has been one of the pioneering celebrities to use E-cigarette.
[img src=]8430Lindsay Lohan
Lindsay Lohan is an American actress, model, and singer. She star in The parent trap, Just my luck and Mean Girls and has been in love with e-cigarettes!
[img src=]8060Michelle Rodriguez
Fresh from the 2015 movie Fast and Furious 7, Michelle Rodriguez takes her Vapes in the beach, the park and the work!
[img src=]8170Norman Mark Reedus
Norman Mark Reedus or also known as Daryl Dixon from the hit series walking death is a Certified Vape lover! 
[img src=]7711Paris hilton
American Socialite, famous model and singer, Paris hilton has been spotted carrying disposable e-cig many times already.
[img src=]7801Robert Pattinson
Vampires do vape as the Famous Hunk Vampire, Robert Pattinson, the Edward Cullen of the Movie Series, Twilight has been spotted with e-cig!
[img src=]8030Samuel Jackson
Samuel Jackson who’s highly prolific actor, appearing in over 100 films, including Die Hard with a Vengeance (1995),  Snakes on a Plane (2006) and the Star Wars prequel trilogy (1999–2005), as well as the Marvel Cinematic Universe got a big Vape tool he dearly love!
[img src=]7650Willie Hugh Nelson
Willie Hugh Nelson, is an American singer-songwriter, musician, guitarist, author, poet, actor, and activist just shown his big Vape tool!
[img src=]7570Zac Efron
Zachary David Alexander "Zac" Efron known as a teen idol after his lead roles in the Disney Channel Original Movie High School Musical was seen Vaping in a car with Friend.


These are only few of the spotted famous personalities in the entertainment and media industry who have come to love Vaping the same way we all fell in love with it. The community is wide and it’s becoming bigger as the E-cigarette and E-liquid market continuously innovates products for an even more advanced market, all for Vapers’ benefits.

Still a lot of celebrity vape enthusiasts out there, if you come to spot one of them, feel free to comment and add their pics on this gallery!

HiLIQ — Where Communication Matters.

Quality, Price, Stability — These are just 3 key factors, among of the many, why vendors are staying and trusting a supplier brand amidst the vastness of the E-cigarette and E-liquid market.

The Vaping industry is wide yet limited. While there are numerous vendors, both offline and online, offering relative services to the vaping community to enjoy, there are only limited sources where they can get what they need all at once with the promise of Quality and Affordability. HiLIQ comes into the scenario to offer vendors what actually matters in the business. E-liquid content, solutions, accessories and other supplies – Name it and HiLIQ can professionally provide.

It happens easy as HiLIQ administers the most convenient way of communication. It’s the Human Connection. A business to business, people to people communication that transcends plans into reality.


Here are several ways on how HiLIQ can actively communicate to you!


Give us a ring and we’ll listen to help you out. Your voice is important, one call means one love! Our call center is open from Mondays to Saturdays, 8:30AM – 5:15PM APT.


Talk to us, live. Make conversations out of your favorite juice or tell stories about your smoking neighbor nearby or ask product details of the items you like to order. Let us know all of them and be friends.


Contact forms are available anywhere in the site, so feel free to drop your information for us to reach you. We’ll go straight ahead to your needs and help you get it done.


We’re not online? Send all your queries and request delivered to our service mail boxes and expect a response in the soonest possible time.


Drop some comments or message on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instragram and Google+ and we’ll make sure you’ll get noticed. Together let’s spread the vaping love in the social media community!


HiLIQ prides itself for having proficient and professional account managers willing to share their experience and expertise to your business. English, Korean, Flamish, French, Japanese and Chinese speakers are in so you can comfortably talk and depend on them!

When communication is valued, there’s a headway. HiLIQ is the Supplier brand where the element of communication is highly regarded – and it does make a big difference.

Choose HiLIQ and rediscover a partnership of forever.