Vaping Market

HiLIQ at the Frankfurt VaporFair 2016

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Vapor Fair EU website:

The First Specialized International exhibition of Electronic cigarettes and related products in Europe which was held in Frankfurt, Germany last April 15-16, 2016 was a huge success considering the number of exhibitors and visitors attended, phenomenal products presented, interesting topics talked about and significant objectives reached!

youjian_01HiLIQ witnessed how the FrankFurt Vaporfair 2016 was able to attain its end goal to gather people with the same interests and passion, provide information and innovation to the growing market of E-cigarette and E-liquid and finally, establish valuable business relations between stakeholders and users, both locally and internationally.

HiLIQ as one of the leaders in Pure Nicotine Manufacturing attended the fair to convene more data on the current trends in the market, new developments in the Vaping Industry and potential rules to be implemented in Europe.

Aided by our professional and talented team, HiLIQ was able to introduce to the crowd its best produced products such as the Nicotine Solutions and Cooling Agent. By offering high quality products with competitive business pricing – HiLIQ was highly accepted by the Vaporfair-goers and exhibitors as they look for Nicotine solutions and cooling additives for special products such as waterpipes, electronic shishas, hookah tobacco, charcoal and its other requisites.

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The HiLIQ Europe Visit will continue to gather new developments as we move forward to the The Hall of Vape Show to be held in Stuttgard, Germany from 23rd of April of this year, to 24th.


ChAFTA: A Win for Business and Consumers


A follow up symposium was held in Economic Centre of China, Shanghai just recently, January 25, 2016 to gather Chinese and Australian businessmen to strengthen its partnership in commercial trading and exportation.

Last June of 2015, the ChAFTA (China-Australia Free Trade Agreement) was officially signed in Australia’s Capital, Canberra by Australia’s Minister for Trade and Investment, Andrew Robb and Chinese Commerce Minister, Mr. Gao Hucheng. It was then entered into force last December 20, 2015.

HiLIQ as a company dealing day-to-day business in Australia was invited in the Symposium. Our Top Management attended the event to participate in the discussion of current market conditions, opportunity exchanges and even cultural and political consideration.

ChAFTA 1It was a day fulfilled with good news, in general, for both countries as there will be no tax imposed to major products coming from the two borders. What’s even more positive is that the possibility of lowering down shipment fees from China to Australia has been introduced and HiLIQ will be the very first one to implement and pursue this once it materializes. HiLIQ will work hard to make this happen together with its international logistic partners in order to benefit our Australian consumers.

The symposium was led by the the Australian Consul General, Graeme Meehan under the theme; China Australia Free Trade Agreement: A win for Business and Consumers.