Importation rules vary from country to country as the legal status of E-cigarette and E-liquids are currently pending in many countries worldwide due to several reasons that we may or may not agree. However, it is good to note that Vaping is still active and growing amidst on-going government approval, long-standing debates and general public scrutiny.

While buying on local stores can help avoid delivery and customs issues, oversea-online-shopping can also be a total convenience once done correctly with the right brand and information.

HiLIQ, as direct supplier brand delivering to over 160 countries worldwide has collected information of the legal status and importation rules per special country that one should keep in mind before buying.

In order for our clients to exactly know our current abilities in delivering to these special countries, we share our current experience as classified below:

Broad Experience                           Moderate Experience                        Limited Experience


United States: Broad Experience

Regulation profiles vary per state. The sell, use and advertisement of Electronic cigarettes are federally permitted but individual states have had their own restrictions. As of July 2014, 44 states had planned or enacted 74 regulations addressing e-cigarettes, electronic smoking devices, or vapor products.

While all this remain confusing to US buyers, HiLIQ still consider US as one of the biggest market to import E-liquids overseas and speaking on behalf of our experience, US buyers can still products from us without problem.

Canada: Broad Experience

Unlike US, Canada seem to have a firm stand on E-cigarettes and E-liquid as it posed a strict ban on it on importation. Canadian Customs and Health Canada officials has the right to confiscate all e-liquids (Nicotine and non-nicotine) being imported over their border.

In general, the use of E-cigarette and E-liquid in CA is legal but importation takes a hard time. If you want supplies, the local store will be your best way. On the other hand, if you are really considering an oversea-import, HiLIQ has extensive and broad experience.

Europe: Broad Experience

European countries are very particular with declaration of ingredients in bottles, warning labels and general packaging of the product. The European Parliament approved last February of 2014 regulations for tobacco products which Electronic cigarettes are including as classified. The new regulation includes forbidding of E-cig advertisement, limiting nicotine concentration, limiting of liquid bottle volume to be sold and requiring child-proof and tamper proof bottles package among others. Cross-border distance sales will not be banned at EU-level, but individual Member States may choose to ban such sales. So far, HiLIQ is able to deliver to EU union as the import, sale and use is permitted in general. Let’s see how each country in EU status.

Austria: Moderate Experience — Catridges / E-liquids with Nicotine containing cartriges are considered as medicinal products and E-cigarettes are classified as a medical device.
Bulgaria: Moderate Experience: Sale and Use of E-cig is legal as well as the sale of liquids with nicotine. No Specific Regulation from Europe.
Czech Republic: Moderate Experience — Use is legal but sale is regulated the same way with conventional smokes. Online sale is said to be illegal due to impossibility to confirm buyers’ age but this rule is not imposed strictly and many E-shops has been around.
Denmark: Broad Experience — E-liquid with Nicotine is considered Medicinal Products. Authorization is required.
Estonia: Limited Experience — Previously had E-cig ban by the Estonian State Agency of Medicines but was overturned in court on 7 March 2013.Now. Only low nicotine is allowed.
Finland: Broad Experience — No E-cig/E-liq adverstisement but non-nicotine E-liquid can still be sold. Importation overseas is allowed for 3 months supply.
France: Broad Experience — Use and Importation is allowed. Nicotine levels should be low or 0. 20mg/ml and higher need medical advice or special permit.
Germany: Broad Experience — the sale and use of electronic cigarettes are legal.
Hungary: Moderate Experience — Sale and use of electronic cigarettes are legal but liquids with nicotine is illegal.
Ireland: Broad Experience — Sale and use of electronic cigarettes are legal.
Italy: Broad Experience — Import and use is legal but strictly for adult use only.
Latvia: Limited Experience — E-cigarettes and E-liquids are legal.
Lithuania: Limited Experience — E-cigarettes and E-liquids are legal.
Netherlands: Moderate Experience — Use and sale of electronic cigarettes is allowed, advertising is restricted.
Norway: Moderate Experience — Sale and use of electronic cigarettes are legal, but E-liquid nicotine should be only purchase in EEA member states like UK.
In Poland: Moderate Experience — the sale and use of electronic cigarettes are legal.
In Portugal: Moderate Experience — E-liquid with nicotine it is restricted, without nicotine it is not regulated.
In Romania: Moderate Experience — Use of electronic cigarettes are legal however it is a courtesy rule not to sell it to minors.
Switzerland: Broad Experience — Non-nicotine E-liquid is legal. Importation is allowed and as of December 2011, the tobacco tax does not apply to e-cigarettes and respective liquids containing nicotine.
Turkey: Moderate Experience — E-cigs and E-liquids are legal but is supervised. Can’t be sold to minors and prohibited to use indoors.
United Kingdom: Broad Experience — Use, sale and advertising of electronic cigarettes and e-liquids are legal and is covered by smoking bans. Strictly for adult use only.

Australia: Broad Experience

The sales of nicotine based e-cigarettes are prohibited by Australian Federal Laws. Shops in Australia may only sell ecig with no-nicotine. While the retail sale of E-cig is illegal, federally, consumers can purchase nicotine-based E-cigarettes/ liquids for their own personal use as long as it is from international online vendors like HiLIQ. Under the Therapeutic Goods Personal Importation Sheme — a consumer is allowed to import up to 3 months supply per delivery and no more than 15 months supply imported over a 12-month period. There will be no GST (Goods and Services Tax) Fee once the order is placed over international supplier and under $1000 purchase threshold. So, if not all, most of our Australian customers enjoy tax and duty free package delivery with door to door service.

*Check your most recent state laws governing the purchase of E-cigs with nicotine content from international sources as it varies per state and from time to time.

New Zealand: Broad Experience — Unlike in Australia, the nearby county, New Zealand got their E-cigarette and E-liquids regulated. E-liquids with Nicotine are considered medicinal products while E-cigarette is considered as medical device

ASIA: Broad Experience
In general, Asia is starting to follow US and EU standard and rules. E-cigarette and E-liquid are mostly accepted and is only dedicated for adult use but individual countries in Asia has set their own restrictions on sale, use, advertisement and importation.

Korea: Broad Experience — The sale and use and importation of non-nicotine e-liquids are allowed but there is corresponding tax when nicotine is imported.
Japan: Broad Experience — The sale, use and import is allowed.
Thailand: Broad Experience — The sales and use is regulated. Import on E-liquids with nicotine is upon discretion of customs and may pay tax.
Malaysia: Broad Experience — The sales and use is regulated. Import on E-liquids with nicotine is upon discretion of customs and may pay tax.

There are other countries which we deliver to, thus this document needs continuous update. Place new information and rules relative to this in the comment section below and together, let’s build a closer and more possible vaping community for everybody.

About Danilo Delos Santos

Marketing Specialist, HiLIQ Co., Limited

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