Since the invention of the modern e-cigarette we have witness 3 big stages in its development especially in the Atomizer section.
The first stage: Launch of the earliest e-cigarette with a battery and a cartomizer, but because of its weak heating power, it has been on the mainstream for a while and kind of forgotten by the new generation of vapers.
The second stage: Launch of the EGO/CE series, as an alternative to the traditional cigarette, the EGO/CE series was an important revolution for e-cigarette industries as it has a tank which can stores E-liquids plus stronger battry system.
The third stage: Launch of disposable atomizers, rebuildable tanks and rebuildable dripper atomizers period in which we are in today.
There are various technical types of e-cigarette, mechanical battery, electronic battery, coils winding, thick vape and so on. Nowadays e-cigarette usage or we call today as Vaping has transformed from physiological enjoyment to psychological one.
Sine e-cigarette is facing great challenges in the field of regulations and conflicting reports on their advantages and disadvantages, learning more about its use and means is a must.
Type of Atomizers

Rebuildable Atomizer(RBA): It is a general designation for all atomizers which can be rebuilt. Under this category lies RDA and RTA.
Rebuildable Dripper Atomizer(RDA): It is used to produce thick vape and is commonly used on vape cloud competitions. You just drip juice on the coils and wick.

Rebuildable Tank Atomizer(RTA): It is the most popular among Vapers. This is where you use a tank to hold the liquids instead of dripping.
Replaceable Atomizer: It is the end atomizer that cannot be re-build. So it needs to be changed after certain consumption.
Now let’s share some Vaping FAQ regarding the use of atomizers:
1.Why does the e-liquid leak from the air hole?
There is a chance that the atomizer tank is not screwed very well or the regulating ring in the sealed tank has cracked or was not properly installed. An atomizer with bad quality also can lead to this circumstance.
2. Why does the e-liquid sound like frying oil while vaping?
Due to the capillarity, the e-liquid was inhaled without being heated to transform it to aerosol since the outlet is too close to the heating coil. It can be resolved after checking the status of heating coil and adjust the distance between atomizer core and the air hole.
3. Why do I hear “zilazila” while vaping?
It is produced by the heating coil when the e-liquid vaporized. Generally, the faster the speed of e-liquid supplied, the more obvious the sound. It sounds slight and wonderful if with good quality atomizer.
4. Why do I feel that the e-liquid is in my mouth after vaping?
The e-liquid might be inhaled without vaporizing completely due to fast e-liquid supply and impetuous inhaling; the unsealed e-liquid tank can also result to that problem. Please check if the speed of e-liquid supplied is too fast or if it is leaked in the sealed tank.
5. Why does it smell/taste burnt?
Generally, there are 2 reasons. First is that the e-liquid on the cotton core vaporizing process is too fast and it can be resolved via reducing heating power or enlarging the square of e-liquid absorbent. Note that we can only decrease the battery output Voltage for most of the disposable atomizers since their e-liquid absorbent cannot be changed. We suggest you to find the most appropriate output of power by adjusting voltage with a voltage regulated battery. The second is that the e-liquid cannot wet the cotton core because it is too thick, that results in cotton core burning only. When the VG ratio in the e-liquid is too high it is more difficult to wet the cotton core, so it has burnt smell and taste when vaping.
6. Why is my transparent tank cracked?
Transparent tank is the storage tank in rebuildable tank atomizer which is made of acrylic, also named as Polymeric Methyl Methacrylate (PMMA); it can be corroded by VG easily. Once density of VG is too high, the acrylic tank could be corroded or even cracked. However, VG is a basic content of the e-liquid, so we never recommend e-liquid with high VG into acrylic tank to e-cigarette smokers. Please DO NOT use acrylic tank atomizer with pure VG.
7. What are stainless tank, glass tank and acrylic tank? And what is the difference among them?
Stainless, glass and acrylic is the raw material for tanks of rebuildable tank atomizer. They all have their own characteristics. Stainless tank is firm and beautiful, but to judge its capacity of storing e-liquid we can only refer to the taste and vaping experience. For the glass tank, we can clearly identify the level of e-liquid stored but it is breakable. Acrylic tank is also breakable, and the most important is that, not all kinds of e-liquids can be stored in it, since some e-liquid contain high density of VG which can crack acrylic tank. However, it they are very convenient to rebuild. Note that the capacity of e-liquids storage in some acrylic tank atomizers is higher than the one in stainless tank and glass tank.
8.What is single coil, double coils? What is the advantage of multiple coils?
Single coil, double coils, as their names implies, is the quantity of coil in the atomizer. Changing the contact area between coil and e-liquid while it is being vaporized to produce thick vape by adding more coils. We suggest you to vape from single coil if you do not know related information about resistance and power very well.
9.How to produce thick vape?
With high power, low resistance or fast absorption of e-liquids we can produce thick vapor. We do not suggest all new vapers try thick vapor as it needs accumulation of rich experience. (Thick vapor) vaper is who uses rebuildable dropper atomizer.
10.How to use rebuildable dropper atomizer?
Thanks to simple construction, convenient to rebuild and much thick vapor, there are so many fans of rebuildable dropper atomizers. It produces thick vapor through the heating coil and the e-liquid vaporized under high temperature by dropping e-liquid on the coil directly. To pursue the ultimate effect, vapers use rebuildable dropper atomizers with multiple coils. However, you should have a rich experience and skills on installing coils. And since the more coils installed, the more related knowledge about voltage and power is needed, so please ensure that you know drop devices deeply before using them.
11.Why is rebuildable dropper atomizer very hot?
The length of Rebuildable Dropper Atomizer is much shorter than Rebuildable Tank Atomizer and disposable Atomizer. It’s happen with a constant vaping with high heat and continuous firing before the coil cool down absolutely. It is a completely normal phenomenon of accumulation of heat based on this action. Furthermore, We suggest the vapers who use atomizers with multiple coils to check the connection between pins before closing the atomizer tank. It is very dangerous if it is short circuit as it will burn the coils down. If it is too hot to hold it in your hand, please reduce quantity of coils, increase resistance or add cotton on the core to improve the speed of cooling as the output of mechanical battery cannot be changed. For vapers who use high power battery would try to lower the voltage.
12. How long does the wick in the disposable atomizer last?
It depends on the frequency of using it. The atomizer needs to be changed once the flavor tasting is different from previous since it cannot be rebuilt.
13. How to clean the atomizer?
To avoid flavors mixed, you need to clean the atomizer tank before changing different flavors or after a long time using an atomizer also it need to be cleaned. Cleaning method: screw the mouth piece, bottom base and base coil head down, then wash it with water, do not throw the inner silicone sealing ring away after screwing. Before connecting it with battery, please ensure dry the bottom base, otherwise, the battery will be burnt due to short circuit.
HiLIQ as an E-liquid brand provides starter atomizers that are important for new vapers. In order for the flavors to be enjoyed fully, one atomizer is advise for one flavor only. HiLIQ offers cheap and useful atomizers as low as $1.99 (Replaceabe Atomizers) to $12 (Rebuildable Tank Atomizers) for daily use.
There are many different model and style of Atomizers available now in the market, truly, they’re having their own world in which we, the Vapers, are the ones living on it.