Author: Danilo Delos Santos
HILIQ IS REACH COMPLIANT! What does it mean for you?
In the Nicotine industry, there are only a few companies who are able to comply with this highly coveted and particularly important registration in Europe. Being able to be a REACH-compliant company gives an extra boost in our professional and technical confidence as to comply with this specific regulation, we had to identify and manage risks linked to the substances we produce and sell within the EU as well as in the World.
REACH is a shortcut for these terms: Registration, Evaluation, Authorization, and Restriction of Chemicals. REACH is a stringent regulation of the European Union taking in place to improve the protection of human health as well as the environment from the risks that can be posed by chemicals. It has been existing since June 2007 and has been able to continually elevate the competitiveness of the Chemical industry in Europe as well as becoming a standard for the World.
What does it mean for consumers?
REACH applies, if not all, to most of the chemicals we use in our daily lives.
Us, being REACH compliant guarantees our clients’ utmost safety as we have to standardize not only our internal production processes but also the external ones such as the packaging, labeling, and transportation of the product. The SDS is also standardized in a way it is easy to understand and contains all the needed data.
Companies which are possessing REACH are very limited not only because it is a tedious process but also because you have to produce at least 1 tonne per year of the product and market it accordingly. HILIQ produces tonne and tonnes of Nicotine per year marketed within the EU and the World.
HILIQ REACH registration number is 01-2120066934-47-0008. Applied under the Nicotine substances tab with Active current registration status. You can visit for more information.
For interested parties, connect with us via the following platforms:
Outside EU:
Europe: +48 608 821 077
Outside EU: (07) 3040 7877
General: +86 185 1667 0284
Titans of Vaping – The Vaping Industry is Making More Billionaires
The growing global popularity of vaping helped China mint many billionaires from the vaping device industry.
Shares in Smoore International Holdings as of January 29, 2021, are at HK$75.76 more than six times their IPO price of HK$12.40. That leaves Smoore’s valuation at nearly $57 billion USD while the CEO of the company is now worth a whopping $19.7 billion USD, not to mention Smoore’s co-founder Xiong Shaoming is also a billionaire.[1]
China’s largest e-cigarette company debuted in the US stock market last month, turning founder Wang Ying going by the name Kate Wang, into an overnight billionaire. Just after the debut, Chinese media reported that the young billionaire now boasted an estimated net worth of US$24.8 billion determined by the current stock price. RELX opened its shares at US$22.34, almost twice their initial offering IPO of US$12 per share.[2]
These 2 companies are the backbones of the device vaping market in China as well as around the world and are interdependent with one and another. Indeed, considerably the Titans of Vaping. SMOORE is believed to be the world’s largest manufacturer of vaping devices owning several popular brand names such as VAPORESSO (with which HiLIQ has been partnering for years) and FEELM and manufacturing for RELX and supplying components or OEM services to companies like Japan Tobacco, British American Tobacco, and NJOY.[3]
HiLIQ, being one of the world’s leading manufacturers and suppliers of nicotine solutions is actively working to develop and expand technologically and scientifically to continuously provide its partners and consumers a better alternative to smoking. Among its popular offerings are professional cut Nicotine solutions, Cooling agent and Flavors concentrates, as well as it very own, NicoBacco.
HILIQ is committed to assist, support and work hand-in-hand with Chinese vaping device manufacturers as well as Global e-liquids manufacturers to get access to the best raw materials possible for safe and dedicated uses in the Vaping arena.
Marc Li
Account Manager
Southern Europe
We will be bringing to you more up-to-date news from our industry and together, let’s keep contributing to create a world with fewer deaths and less smoking, but with great relief and more vaping.
Is Blogging Dead?
It was back in 2016 when we had our last write up for this Blog. It feels just a few months ago actually, but it was that looong since we last updated it.
4 years have gone and a lot of things have changed since then. With the recent boom of so many new platforms on social media where people posts not only photos and short video clips, a new trend of doing Lives and posting Video Diaries has become a new sensation, both for the young and the old.
I must say, Vlogging is in!
But does that really mean, Blogging is out?
While I acknowledge more people are inclined to watch than to read as the first is easier, faster, and more fun to do than the latter, I’d like to go back to the basics and still do a little traditional way of putting up content. Content that matters to the industry. Content that inspires our users. Or just content that lights up my bulb – and potentially yours too!
I put up a task to myself to create weekly stories for the blog – and this is with the hopes to spark your interest. Help me in the pursuit to write relatable stories, interesting subjects, and engaging discussions.
Traditional writing is not done.
There are still people who have time to read and genuinely enjoy it.
As we re-open our Blog in this highly progressive time, we are opening our doors to your ideas and opinions. We are open for commissioned articles and guest posts. HILIQ customers and readers are more than welcome to share content for our growing community – and we’re more than happy to be your avenue to be read and be heard.
New blog entries will be posted and updated every Saturday.
For interested contributors, please send your work to
Approved contents will be given a token of appreciation in the HILIQ products form.
NTN – A New Generation of Nicotine
NTN is a new generation of Nicotine without the Tobacco. It is the purest and cleanest Nicotine solution in the market that is only made by the combination of Molecular Chemistry and not derived from Tobacco leaf, stem or waste dust. It eliminates the Tobacco impurities which make the Nicotine feel and smell harsher. Now, you can expect essentially tasteless and odorless Nicotine which can help boost your E-liquid flavor profiles while still providing the same biological impact as Tobacco-derived Nicotine. Indulge in a new experience by crafting your favorite e-liquid free from Tobacco Nicotine!
Origin of Synthetic Nicotine
In 1828, Germany chemists Posselt and Reimann isolated nicotine from tobacco the first time. In 1843, Melsens proposed the chemical formula of nicotine. In 1893, Adolf Pinner found a structure of nicotine. Then in 1904, A. Pictet and Crepieus used synthetic way to get nicotine successfully.
– No Carcinogenic or other tobacco combustion substances.
– Highest Purity ever available in the market
– Cleanest and Smoothest Feeling and Sensation
– Same biological impact as TDN (Tobacco-derived Nicotine)
– Flavors are essentially improved, no more harsh or bitter E-liquid taste.
– No foul Nicotine smell and the phenomenon of burning charcoal for atomization is dramatically reduced.
NTN A New Generation Approach
*Quality and Purity Certifications
NTN underwent a tedious process of inspection and analysis from globally accredited and widely known testing and certification centers.
*State of the Art Facilities
We take pride in producing NTN in a well-maintained laboratory with dedicated facilities for Nicotine Manufacturing following international operation standards.
*Continuous Research and Development
Committed to continually improve our end-products, we invest highly in R&D to make us and our clients ahead in this fast-growing market.
*Quality Assurance
Our laboratory experts steadily check, measure and monitor all manufacturing processes and protocols to ensure consistent and reliable product quality.
No current restrictions in most countries. More flexible to market and to advertise and is allowed for online and in-store item placements.
*New Sensation
Due to tobacco impurities elimination, NTN offers the purest and cleanest end-products providing a new sensation to vapers while maintaining same biological impact as TDN.
To view NTN’s complete Technical Data including Safety Data Sheet, USP certificate, Certificate of Analysis and GC Test, please redirect here:
Since the launch on November 15, 2016, NTN has been making rounds in the Vaping community and getting excellent feedback from regular Vapers and experts.
Try and see the difference. Get more information here.
AFFILIATE+PLUS: سبع خطوات للنجاح
AFFILIATE+PLUS هي ميزه جديده على موقعنا لمكافأة عملاؤنا الافياء لاستمرارهم في دعمنا.
A+PLUS يسمح لك لكسب العموله عن كل عميل يتمم عملية الشراء عن طريق الرابط الخاص بك
احصل على العموله او استرجعها او حولها الى نقاط لتحصل على بعض المنتجات مجانا
فيما يلي دليل حول كيفية انشاء ومتابعة الحساب الخاص بك خطة بخطوة بالاضافه الى حسابك الفعال
1- قم بزيارة موقعنا وسجل الدخول الى حسابك.
2-في لوحة القياده الخاصه بك ستكون قادرا على رؤية علامة التبويب التابعه لها على الجانب الايسر من الشاشه
3- اذا لم تكن جزءا من برنامج الاشتراك معنا يرجى الاشتراك في موقعنا
4-عند الاشتراك يرجى ملئ الحقول المطلوبه في الاستماره وايضا يرجى التحقق من حساب بال بال وذلك لاننا سوف نستخدمه عندما نقوم بتحويل الاموال اليك
5-انقر على زر الاصدقاء للوصول بسهوله ومشاركة الروابط الشخصيه الخاصه بك
6-يمكنك تحديد اية سيله من وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي لمشاركة رابطك الخاص
7- اذا تمت عملية الشراء عن طريق احد اصدقائك يمكنك المتابعه عن طريق الرابط والحساب الخاص بك وايضا سيصلك اشعار الى عنوان البريد الالكتلروني الخاص بك
تبدو سهله؟ ابدأ الآن! تحقق من صفحة الاشتراك معنا واشترك هنا AFFILIATE+PLUS
AFFILIATE+PLUS: Lucky 7 steps to Success
Affiliate+Plus is a new feature on our site to reward our loyal clients for their continued love, support and patronage. A+Plus allows you to earn for every new buying customer you will drive to our site. Earn commissions and refund or turn them to store credits to get our PRODUCTS FREE on your next purchase!
Here’s a step by step guide on how to create and manage your Affiliate plus account effectively.
1. Go visit hiliq.comand log in to your account.
2. Inside your dashboard, you’ll be able to see an Affiliate tab on the left side of your monitor.
3. If you’re not yet part of our Affiliate Program, please sign up to our Affiliate+Plus.
4. Upon signing up, please fill out the required fields. Verified PayPal account is required as it will be used when we transfer funds.
5. Click on the refer friends to access easily ways on how to get and share your personalized links.
6. Select which social media platform you want to share your links with. We put a template description but you can create your own at any time!
7. Once a friend you referred bought on our site, you will be able to track it on your account and you’ll have email notification too! Congratulations! Way to go!
Seemed easy? Start now! Check out our Affiliate+Plus page and sign up here:
Your Feedback and its Importance to HiLIQ
Feedback plays an important role in brand-building. In all business models, feedback is an essential unit that helps on establishing a good foundation. It fuels both system’s development and workforce’s maturation.
HiLIQ, as a feedback driven company, always welcomes reviews from its partners and consumers. HiLIQ allows its global clientele to review its products and services through countless of platforms, may it be through the social media, community and forum pages, direct site sourcing and solicitation or third party review centers.
HiLIQ, in fact, rewards its clients who bestow time and effort just to drop reviews and feedback may it be positive or negative. Here are 5 reasons why HiLIQ is rewarding people coming by with reviews:
1. Being an online merchant where everything is done virtually, feedback is a tap on the back.
2. Feedback are like experience – they are great mentors.
3. Feedback are indicator that you’ve found life-long loyal consumers who cares on what you really offer.
4. Great flavors and excellent undiscovered products are discovered through feedback and reviews.
5. It nourishes the soul of the business: You’d work harder for a negative feedback and work even more for a positive one.
Help us improve and be the brand you’d want us to be! Your thoughts about us are highly welcome!
You can do it via the following methods:
1.Leave us a review on Facebook, or tweet us how you feel about our products and service!
2.Go to our site and to the page where your most loved products are found, then drop a review instantly.
3.Go to an independent review sites such as TrustPilot or JuiceDB and share what you have in mind.
4.You can go to our Forum Communities (found in the site’s bottom page) and leave us something you wanna share.
5. Email us directly. We’d love to hear something from you!
In return, we’ll send you something from our end, whatever it’ll be, it‘s for sure from the bottom of our thankful hearts!
HiLIQ Celebrates A Successful Business Year in Beijing!
HiLIQ gears up for another year of business as it celebrates a successful one in China’s massive capital, Beijing. As a company which glorifies synergy as its fundamental driver of success, HiLIQ traveled all the way from Shanghai to Beijing to strengthen its camaraderie among office workers and solidify its goals and targets for a new business year.
Who knows one day, HiLIQ will travel to places where its products are sent to, say; Japan, Korea, Australia, Germany, Middle East and the United Kingdom – or even more, in United States! There are limitless possibilities as we continue to serve the vaping community with excellent products and dependable service. Just by doing so, all others – in which we deeply desire as a team, will follow naturally.

HiLIQ Shanghai Team poses happily opposite the World’s famous TianAnMen Square located in Beijing, China during its Celebratory Holidays last May 19, 2016.
We share to you all these as we commit to the same standards of quality and service we have had for years – and we will continue to do so as we grow old in the industry. Together, we’ll make more fruitful years and the memories we’ll be making will be all shared to you as a gratitude for being with us all the time.
’Til Our Next Celebration!
HiLIQ invites you to its on-going Anniversary Giveaways. It is until the 31st of May! Everyone can win great prices everyday! Try your luck now!